For over 35 years, Savanna has hosted one of the top tournaments of the season. Hosted on the last week of the Field Show year, bands from near and far bring their final polished shows for their last chance to set scores for Championships in December, and provide a competition like no other.
Cows walk. Cows poop. Winner crowned. Repeat 2 more times. Well, in simple terms, that is pretty much it. Cow Chip Bingo is one of our largest fundraisers of the year, and is about the simplest. Prize money of $250, $500, and $750 available. Winners need not be present to win – contact your favorite student to get your land deed!
Every Fourth of July we man a booth for the week, another great fundraising opportunity for us. Check back here in the spring for details on location and pre-sale vouchers.
Check the Calendar for the latest schedule - marching shows, concerts, Winterguard and Drumline. Sync your calendar too for any last minute changes.
Celebrating over 50 years of musical excellence, the Booster program proudly supports the Mighty Marching Rebel Band & Colorguard, three Concert Orchestras, Jazz Band, Winterguard and Drumline programs, and Field Drum Majors.