Parent-Student Handbook
The Savanna Band Handbook provides detailed information and expectations for everyone in the group. A copy of the handbook can be downloaded HERE
Savanna Band & Colorguard Social Contract
This is the expectations of all students participating in the program with the current conditions and restrictions handed down by the state and AUHSD. This was put together by student leaders for all students in the program. A copy of the document can be downloaded HERE
Performance Calendar
Make sure you don't miss a show! Subscribe to the calendar and all information will be available at your fingertips.
Upcoming Events
Please see CALENDAR for events
Savanna Band uses an online record-keeping system for all financial records, uniform
assignments, volunteer management, contact information, and more! You can access
all this information by going to Enter the School ID of
SavannaHSBand along with your Student ID, and you're in. Log in today and make
sure your contacts and financial statement info is up to date.
Credit Card Payments
Credit card payments can be made online through CHARMS for all Savanna Band items -- Fair Share, fundraisers, personal items. Log into your account, go to your Financials page, and make a payment in the Miscellaneous Ledger. We will automatically be notified, and your credit immediately applied.
Donations to Savanna Band & Colorguard may also be made through the Venmo app. Simply search for @Savanna-Band-ColorguardBooster or scan the QR code below.
Savanna Field Tournament
The Savanna Field Tournament is back!
Savanna Field Tournament 2024 is scheduled for Saturday November 16th, 2024, at Glover.
If you have any questions, please email or Mr. Penaloza at
Band entry forms can be found HERE.
Amazon Smiles
Your shopping on can help Savanna Band -- register your account
to direct a portion of your sales to "Savanna Band & Pageantry" today!

Make sure to put "Family & Friends" when making a payment thru Venmo